Adachi Ward Harukaze
At Hitachi Automobile Transportation, We operate a total of 4 routes through Adachi Ward. "Harukaze No. 1 (Nishiarai/Ayase Line)", "Harukaze No. 9 (Aoi/Kamesen)", "Harukaze No. 10 (Nishiarai/Koya Line)" and "Harukaze No. 12 (Nishiarai/Kameyusen)"

Information about Harukaze
2025年1月11日更新 1月20日(月)ダイヤ改正について
2024年9月3日掲載 10月1日(火)~運賃改定について
2024年2月29日改正 はるかぜ10号(西新井・高野線)運行終了について
2022年3月1日掲載 バス利用特典サービス(通称「バス特」)終了について
adult price
normal fare
cash fare
IC fare
1 day ticket
child price
normal fare
cash fare
IC fare
1 day ticket
[What is a cash fare?]
This fare applies when cash or coupons are included in the fare payment. Cash fares will be applied even if you pay the shortfall with cash or coupons due to insufficient IC card balance.
[What is an IC fare?]
This fare applies when paying the full fare with a single IC card. However, please note that cash fares will be applied if you pay the shortfall with cash or coupons due to insufficient IC card balance.
Commuter passes and one-day passes can only be used on the "Harukaze No. 1, 9, 10, and 12" buses operated by our company. It cannot be used on "Harukaze" operated by other companies.
You can ride with a nationwide transportation IC card (10 companies) such as PASMO / Suica.
If you pay the fare in cash, change will not be given for high-value bills other than 1000 yen bills, so please cooperate with changing money before boarding.
You can use the Tokyo Silver Pass. When using a Silver Pass, please clearly show the face of the ticket with the expiration date displayed.
Disability discounts are available. Before paying the fare, please present a valid certificate such as a physical disability certificate or Ai no Techo to the crew. (Normal fare 50% / regular fare 30%)
Up to 2 infants are free with each accompanying adult.
One-day tickets are sold on the bus. When purchasing on the bus, please prepare cash without change. (You cannot purchase with an IC card)
Tickets for Harukaze have been discontinued as of December 31, 2019. You can continue to use your coupon tickets. Also, if you wish to receive a refund, you will be required to pay a prescribed fee.
About sale of commuter pass
IC commuter pass, mobile PASMO commuter pass, Apple Pay mobile PASMO commuter passis on sale.
For more informationherePlease refer to the.
*IC commuter passes are sold only at Hitachi Motor Transportation Co., Ltd.
*PASMO and mobile PASMO are registered trademarks of PASMO Co., Ltd.
*Suica is a registered trademark of East Japan Railway Company.
*Bus Toku is a registered trademark of the General Incorporated Association Bus Common IC Card Association.
*Apple Pay is a trademark of Apple Inc. registered in the United States and other countries.