Kazaguruma in Chiyoda Ward(community welfare bus)
A community bus that routes around facilities and welfare facilities in Chiyoda Ward. It consists of 4 routes, "Kojimachi Route", "Fujimi/Jimbocho Route", "Uchikanda Route" and "Akihabara Route", all operated by Hitachi Automobile Transportation.

News about Kaza-guruma
2025年2月18日掲載 東京マラソンに伴う運行について
2024年5月2日掲載 「四谷ルート」「神田ルート」実証運行について
Elementary school students and above

Up to 2 preschoolers can enter free of charge when accompanied by 1 elementary school student or older.
Transportation IC cards such as PASMO and Suica can also be used.
If you board with a transportation IC card and change to another route within 90 minutes of boarding, there is no fare addition (only once).
Commuter pass fee
Ordinary commuter pass
1 month ticket
3 month ticket
6 month ticket
Annual ticket
How to buy
You can purchase it at Hitachi Motor Transportation Co., Ltd. Chiyoda Office (Ward Office 3F). Business hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays (Monday to Friday). Please note that we cannot handle Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Kazaguruma Citizen Passport
(City Resident Discount System)
3 month ticket
6 month ticket
Annual ticket
Resident tax exempt and for disabled*
1 year ticket
*1 Persons with disabilities: those who have a physical disability certificate, love certificate, mental disability certificate, or a document certifying an intractable disease
How to buy
step 1)
Apply for a Kazaguruma Resident Passport exchange ticket at the Welfare and General Affairs Division (Ward Office 3F) and receive the exchange ticket (this procedure is not necessary for people with disabilities). (Note 1) When applying, please bring identification such as a driver's license, health insurance card, resident registry card, or personal number card. (Note 2) At the time of application, we will confirm taxation and non-taxation of 2015 resident tax (special ward tax / metropolitan inhabitant tax). If the 2015 resident tax is levied by other local governments, a tax exemption certificate is required.
Step (2)
Purchase a Kazaguruma Citizen Passport. Please bring the Kazaguruma Citizen Passport Voucher to the Chiyoda Office of Hitachi Motor Transportation Co., Ltd. (3rd floor of the Ward Office) and purchase it. (Note) Persons with disabilities should present either a physical disability certificate, love certificate, mental disability certificate, or a document certifying an intractable disease before purchasing.
Contact information

Chiyoda Ward Office Welfare and General Affairs Division
Hitachi Automobile Transportation Co., Ltd. Chiyoda Office
(Image provided by user)
*PASMO and mobile PASMO are registered trademarks of PASMO Co., Ltd.
*Suica is a registered trademark of East Japan Railway Company.
*Bus Toku is a registered trademark of the General Incorporated Association Bus Common IC Card Association.
*Apple Pay is a trademark of Apple Inc. registered in the United States and other countries.