Hitachi Automobile Transportation No.3 Co., Ltd.
Transportation safety management
Information Disclosure through Transport Safety Management
transport safety
Basic Policy
The president is deeply aware that ensuring transportation safety is the foundation of business management, and has made employees thoroughly aware that ensuring transportation safety is of the utmost importance. play a role.
We will ensure the safety of transportation by ensuring safety management and having all employees work together as one to ensure the safety of transportation.
Actively publish information on transport safety.
Establish key measures to ensure transport safety.
Goals related to transportation safety and achievement status of the goals
Previous results
From September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020
Minimum target
Target for this term
Number of accidents from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020: 80
As stipulated in Article 2 of the Automobile Accident Reporting Regulations
Accident statistics
From September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022
A vehicle that overturns, falls, causes a fire (including a fire in its cargo), or collides with or comes into contact with a railway vehicle at a railroad crossing.
Causes death, injury or serious injury (meaning a person who has suffered a disability listed in Article 5, item 2 or 3 of the Automobile Damage Compensation Law Security Enforcement Order)
An injury caused to a passenger under Article 5, Item 4 of the Automobile Liability Security Enforcement Ordinance (injury requiring medical treatment for 11 days or more) due to improper operation of the control device or the device that opens and closes the door of the passenger entrance.
If the driver is unable to continue driving a commercial vehicle due to illness.
Vehicle equipment (equipment listed in Article 41 of the Road Transport Vehicle Act (prime mover and power transmission equipment, wheels and axles, other running equipment, steering equipment, braking equipment, springs and other shock absorbing equipment, fuel equipment, electrical equipment, vehicle frame, etc.) The vehicle cannot be operated due to damage or falling off of the vehicle body, coupling device, etc.)
In addition to the items listed in the preceding items, items that the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism deems particularly necessary and instructs to report in order to prevent the occurrence of automobile accidents.
Organizational structure and
chain of command
Based on the organization chart of Hitachi Motor Transportation Third.
Priority measures for transport safety
Thoroughly establish awareness that ensuring transportation safety is of the utmost importance, and comply with matters stipulated by relevant laws and regulations.
Make efforts to actively and efficiently make expenditures and investments related to transportation safety.
Conduct internal audits on transportation safety and take necessary corrective or preventive measures.
Establish a communication system for information related to transportation safety, and communicate and share necessary information within the company.
Create a specific plan for education and training related to ensuring transport safety and implement it appropriately.
Transportation safety plan
Concerning transportation safety, we will conduct examinations for car accident countermeasures and provide guidance based on them. In addition, we will ensure a 100% health checkup rate, and provide prevention, countermeasures, improvement, and guidance for lifestyle-related diseases.
System for reporting and contacting accidents and disasters
Based on the organization chart of Hitachi Motor Transportation Third.
Regarding safety internal audit measures
Hitachi Automotive Transportation Group has acquired ISO9001, 14001, and 39001 certification, and as a compliance evaluation, each group division plans and periodically every 3 to 4 months, the heads of other divisions comply with the Road Transportation Law and We conduct audits on compliance with related laws and regulations (especially those related to safe operation) such as transportation business regulations.
Department heads and several managers from Hitachi Motor Transport Co., Ltd.
Hitachi Automobile Transportation 2nd Co., Ltd.
Hitachi Automobile Transportation 3rd Co., Ltd.
Department heads and several managers from Hitachi Automobile Transportation 2nd Co., Ltd.
Hitachi Automobile Transportation 2nd Co., Ltd.
Hitachi Automobile Transportation 3rd Co., Ltd.
Department heads and several managers from Hitachi Automobile Transportation 3rd Co., Ltd.
Hitachi Automobile Transportation 2nd Co., Ltd.
Hitachi Automobile Transportation 3rd Co., Ltd.
safety regulations
Chapter 1 General Rules
the purpose
Article 1 The purpose is to stipulate the matters to be observed in order to ensure the safety of transportation, thereby improving the safety of transportation.
Scope of application
Article 2
Chapter 2 Business Operation Policy, etc. to Ensure Transport Safety
Basic policy on transport safety
Article 3 The president shall be deeply aware that ensuring transportation safety is the foundation of business management, and shall play a leading role in ensuring transportation safety within the company.
In addition, while paying close attention to the on-site situation, such as by sincerely listening to voices regarding safety on-site, ensure that employees are fully aware that ensuring transport safety is of the utmost importance.
2 Ensuring that all employees work together as a team by steadily formulating, executing, checking, and improving transportation safety plans (Plan Do Check Act) and constantly reviewing safety measures. We will constantly strive to improve transportation safety by We will also actively disclose information on transportation safety.
Priority measures for transport safety
Article 4 Based on the policy on transportation safety as described in the preceding article, the following items shall be implemented.
1 Ensure that all employees are fully aware that ensuring transportation safety is of the utmost importance, and comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and safety management rules.
2 Strive to actively and efficiently make expenditures and investments related to transportation safety.
3 Conduct internal audits of transportation safety and take necessary corrective or preventive measures.
4 Establish a communication system for information on transportation safety, and communicate and share necessary information within the company.
5 Specific plans for education and training related to transportation safety shall be formulated and implemented in an appropriate manner.
2 The holding company and its affiliated group companies will work together to improve transport safety.
3 When using a subcontractor, do not engage in any act that hinders the subcontractor's assurance of transportation safety. Furthermore, if we have a close relationship with a subcontractor, such as a long-term contract, we will endeavor to cooperate with the subcontractor to improve transportation safety to the extent possible.
transport safety goals
Article 5 Based on the policies listed in the preceding article, goals shall be established.
Transportation safety plan
Article 6 Achieve the goals set forth in the preceding article and prepare the necessary plans to ensure transportation safety according to the priority measures for transportation safety.
Chapter 3. Implementation of business and its management system to ensure transportation safety
Responsibilities of the President, etc.
Article 7 The president bears ultimate responsibility for ensuring transportation safety.
2 Top management shall take necessary measures such as securing a budget and establishing a system to ensure transport safety.
3 Top management shall respect the opinion of the Chief Safety Officer regarding ensuring transport safety.
4 Top management constantly confirms whether the implementation and management of operations to ensure transportation safety is appropriate, and makes necessary improvements.
Internal organization
Article 8. Appoint the following persons, build a responsible system for ensuring transportation safety, and properly conduct corporate governance to ensure transportation safety.
1. Safety Supervisor
2. Operational Manager
3. Maintenance Manager
4. Other necessary responsible persons
2 The superiors of the operation managers of each department shall, under the orders of the safety general manager, supervise and supervise the operation managers of each department with regard to ensuring transport safety.
3 The head of each department shall supervise, guide and supervise each department in relation to ensuring transport safety under the direction of the General Manager.
According to the established organization chart.
Appointment and dismissal of Chief Safety Officer
Article 9 A safety general manager shall be appointed from among the operation managers who meet the requirements set forth in Article 47 of the Transportation Regulations for Passenger Vehicle Transportation Business.
(i) When the dismissal order of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is issued;
When it becomes difficult to continue to perform duties due to physical injury or other unavoidable reasons.
The safety of transportation may be hindered if the Chief Safety Officer continues to perform his/her duties due to violation of relevant laws and regulations or failure to confirm the status of ensuring transportation safety. when it is recognized as
Responsibilities of the Chief Safety Officer
Article 10 The Chief Safety Officer has the following responsibilities.
1 Ensuring that all employees are fully aware that compliance with relevant laws and regulations and ensuring transportation safety are of utmost importance.
2 To establish and maintain a system for the implementation and management of transportation safety
3 To implement the policies, key measures, targets, and plans related to transportation safety in good faith.
4 Establish a reporting and communication system regarding transportation safety and make it known to employees.
5 Perform internal audits regularly and as needed, and report to top management on the status of ensuring transportation safety.
6 To take necessary improvement measures, such as providing opinions regarding necessary improvements to the top management, etc. regarding ensuring transportation safety.
7 To supervise and control the operation manager to ensure proper operation management.
8 Provide necessary education or training to employees to ensure transportation safety.
9 To perform other general management related to ensuring the safety of transportation.
Chapter 4 Implementation of Projects to Ensure Transport Safety and Method of Management
Implementation of priority measures related to transport safety
Article 11. Based on our basic policy on transport safety, we will steadily implement priority measures for transport safety in accordance with our transport safety plan in order to achieve our transport safety goals.
Sharing and communicating information on transport safety
Article 12. Strive to ensure that information on transportation safety is communicated and shared within the company in a timely and appropriate manner by ensuring sufficient two-way communication between top management and the site, and between operation managers and drivers. In addition, when discovering a situation that compromises safety, do not overlook or cover it up, but immediately notify the relevant parties and take appropriate countermeasures.
Report communication system for accidents, disasters, etc.
Article 13
2 We will strive to ensure that reports on accidents, disasters, etc. are promptly conveyed to the Chief Safety Officer, top management, or necessary departments within the company.
3 The Chief Safety Officer shall ensure that the reporting and communication system is well known within the company, and that the reporting and communication system described in paragraph 1 functions sufficiently to ensure smooth response after an accident or disaster occurs. give necessary instructions, etc.
4 Submit a notification.
Transportation safety education and training
Article 14. In order to achieve the goals related to transportation safety in Article 5, formulate and steadily implement specific plans for education and training for the necessary human resource development.
Internal audit for transport safety
Article 15 Conduct internal audits of transport safety at appropriate times. In addition, in the event of a serious accident, disaster, etc., or in the event that similar accidents, disasters, etc. occur repeatedly, or in other cases where it is deemed particularly necessary, we will urgently conduct an internal audit of transportation safety.
2 consider the necessary measures to ensure safety, and if necessary, take urgent corrective or preventive measures that are necessary for the time being.
Improving operations related to transport safety
Article 16 In the event that there is a report on accidents, disasters, etc., the results of the internal audit in the preceding article, or matters to be improved from the Chief Safety Officer, or if it is deemed necessary to ensure transportation safety In such cases, we will consider necessary improvement measures to ensure transportation safety and take corrective or preventive measures.
2 In the event of a serious accident caused by a malicious violation of laws and regulations, we will take measures to ensure a higher level of safety than at present in general safety measures or necessary matters.
Disclosure of information
Article 17 and chain of command, priority measures related to transport safety, plans related to transport safety, actual amounts such as budgets related to transport safety, reporting and communication system for accidents, disasters, etc., safety general manager, safety management regulations, education related to transport safety And training plans, results of internal audits related to transport safety, and details of measures based on them will be disclosed to the outside every fiscal year.
2 If we report to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism about the status of improvements taken to ensure transportation safety after administrative dispositions, such as measures to prevent recurrence after an accident, we will promptly disclose it to the outside.
Management of records related to transportation safety, etc.
Article 18 These rules shall be reviewed periodically and in a timely and appropriate manner in accordance with the actual business conditions.
2 Record the reported corrective action or preventive action, etc. and save it appropriately.
3 The method of recording and storing the information listed in the preceding paragraph and other information related to transportation safety shall be prescribed separately.
Revised April 20, 2010
Established September 27, 2006
Organizational structure and chain of command
Organizational chart of Hitachi

Communication system and chain of command for accidents and disasters